Lexogen: Direct to distribution

Based in Austria, Lexogen are a global leader in 3′ mRNA sequencing, transcriptomics, next-generation sequencing, RNA analysis and bioinformatics. Prior to their partnership with Europe Biosite's subsidiary, Cambridge Bioscience, Lexogen supplied directly into the UK and Ireland.

Direct to distribution

In 2021, following the UK's exit from the European Union, Lexogen wished to optimise the purchasing experience for their UK and Ireland customers, as well as increasing growth in this high-potential market. Due to Cambridge Bioscience's proven sales and marketing capabilities and strong customer relationships in the NGS field, Lexogen chose to partner exclusively with Cambridge Bioscience, channeling all Lexogen business for the UK and Ireland through them in December of that year.

Partnership success

Together, Lexogen and Cambridge Bioscience have continued to strengthen the presence of Lexogen's trusted brand in the NGS market, and developed further success within the UK and Ireland. This strategic collaboration has resulted in >30% growth (2023 v 2022) for Lexogen. We look forward to continuing this successful partnership in the strategically important area of NGS.

Partner with Europa Biosite

Europa Biosite partners with life science suppliers who share our values on quality, innovation and service.

If you are looking for a leading European distributor partner, we want to hear from you.